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《汐.靜》Shades of Blue
《汐.靜》Shades of Blue

Fri, 15 Oct


S309 (Staunton) PMQ

《汐.靜》Shades of Blue

A solo exhibition on painting by Mandy Williams.

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Time & Location

15 Oct 2021, 12:00 pm – 28 Oct 2021, 7:00 pm

S309 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong

About the event

關於展覽 / About Exhibition :

當我遊歷不同的國家時,我一直在捕捉不同海景和它的永不重複的藍色,作為創作的靈感來源。沉醉於美麗的海洋和海水的流動,成為我生活在節奏急速的城市中,尋找片刻安靜的一種療法。 繪畫深淺不一的海時, 讓我沉浸在寧靜中, 不被任何聲音、事物打擾; 甚至感到中斷外間所有聯繫, 大海讓我得到平和和專注。我的畫作展示了人生的不同階段, 每一幅都暗示着我正在經歷的一個階段, 以視覺和觸感的方式投射它們, 帶動觀賞者情緒的波動, 隱藏的掙扎如海洋中的漩渦; 事物的擾動如同作品的色調。 聽着海浪拍打的聲音, 讓我整個人集中精神, 排除其他的干擾, 只專注於一個個海浪的動態, 希望每位觀賞者都能找到自己的寧靜。

Exploring in different cities and countries, I had always been capturing the image of different seascapes and the blue shades of them as my inspiration for my artworks. Indulging in looking the beautiful seascapes and the movements of the current, it is a part of a therapy for living in a tense and fast paced city. Painting different shades of seascape have me trapped in serenity, not to be disturbed by any sound, any matter; nor connections, but to be in a zone of peace and concentration; showing the audience different phase of my life with the texture of the artworks. Each work implies a phase I am going through, projects them in a visual and touchable way; let them see the fluctuation of emotions; hidden struggles like a vortex in the ocean, the disturbance of matters like the shades and color of the artworks. Listening to the wave hitting sound let me center myself as a whole, to exclude the other chaos but to only focus on creating the structure of the seascape as an enjoyable visual for everyone to find their serenity.

關於藝術家 / About the Artist :

Mandy Williams 畢業於哈德斯菲爾德大學,在創立自己的工作室之前,我在時裝界探索了一段時間。在小時候我已經接觸藝術和繪畫,我特別喜歡在寧靜的環境下創作。過往一直在不同的藝術行業工作並在學校任教,夢想擁有一個既可以創造又可以傳授我的藝術知識的空間。所以我決心成立屬於自己的藝術工作室,可以自由地創作,沒有規則、界限、協議和限制。

Mandy Williams graduated from the University of Huddersfield, I have been exploring in fashion industry for a period of time before I had started my own studio. Always have been drawn in art and painting at a very young age, I have always been in love with serenity and very quiet surroundings when I paint. Have been working in different art industry and as well as teaching in schools, I had realized that my fantasy has to become a reality, to have a space that I could both create and pass on my aesthetic and knowledge. That’s when I set up my art studio and has finally having the freedom to create without rules, boundaries, protocols, and limitations.

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