Wed, 01 Mar
|S407 (Staunton) PMQ
Kenneth Wong Solo Art Exhibition
Time & Location
01 Mar 2023, 12:00 pm – 30 Mar 2023, 7:00 pm
S407 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong
About the event
關於展覽 / About Exhibition :
繼2022年【夢由】藝術作品展,Kenneth 將於2023 年3 月舉辦他的第二次個人作品展,繼續表達出他對「自由與夢想」的追求和看法。
今次主題為【同行】,常言道:在追尋夢想的旅程是孤單的,但Kenneth反而認為,在他的追夢路上,身邊卻有很多默默支持自己的人,如親人、朋友。他們的鼓勵,正正是令kenneth 一直走下去的動力。
After his debut solo exhibition "Freedom & Dreams" in 2022, Kenneth will hold his second solo exhibition in March 2023 to extend his thoughts and pursuit of freedom and dreams.
This time, his theme is "Companion". As they say, "following one's dream is a lonely journey". However, in Kenneth's own journey, there are always supporters, including families and friends, and their encouragement has become his motivation.
Horses are Kenneth's most favourite animals. The way horses race fiercely towards their goals is like people going all out chasing their dreams till the end. Life is a long journey. No matter what life gives you, we will continue on with our journey without fear.
關於藝術家 / About the Artist :
“ 當你全心全意投入你所做的事,你就會成功。” - Kenneth Wong
Kenneth 在創意行業工作了 20 多年,將他的才華奉獻給不同的國際機構,設計工作室和廣告公司。
他的作品反映了對鮮豔色彩的熱情,受現代城市藝術和流行文化而有所啟發。年幼時,Kenneth 喜歡從卡通人物和漫畫中汲取靈感來繪畫。成長後,他繼續尋求不同的靈感來源,對每項工作都保持新鮮感,緊貼市場潮流。
他對設計的熱情促使他在 2006 年推出了自己的時尚品牌 “ Dreamcoholic ”,也是設計公司
“ Dream Republic Creative Ltd ” 的創始合夥人。他認為創造力不僅是行業中的一項基本技能,創造力是生活中不可或缺的工具,有助於定義我們周圍的人和事,使我們更能認識周邊環境,更深徹的了解,忠於自己的所思所想。
“ Pour your heart in what you do and you will succeed. ” - Kenneth Wong
Kenneth has worked in the creative industry for over 20 years and dedicated his talents in international corporations , design studios and agencies .
His work reflects his passion for vibrant colors inspired by contemporary urban art and pop culture . As a child , Kenneth loved drawing by taking ideas from cartoon characters and comic books . He continues to seek his inspiration after growing up and keep his work to the trend .
His passion in design has led to the launch of his own fashion brand “ Dreamcoholic ” in 2006. He was also a founding partner of the design company “ Dream Republic Creative Ltd ” .
He believes that creativity is more than a skill in the
industry . Creativity is an essential instrument in life that helps to define what surrounds us and leading us connect with the environmental , understand more who we are .
Photo Gallery