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Fri, 17 Sept


S309 (Staunton) PMQ


A solo exhibition on painting by Vera Chiu.

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Time & Location

17 Sept 2021, 12:00 pm – 26 Sept 2021, 7:00 pm

S309 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong

About the event

關於展覽 / About Exhibition :

「釋放」 為Vera Chiu在這新日常後的第一個展覽。當世界在不安中渡過時,Vera的生活亦走上靈性之路,並為她帶來新的傳奇與挑戰。她的抽象畫作反照著這演變。 這展覽將一層一層的展現她的真我。從來,別人也認定她藝術家的身份,但她自己偏偏不敢承認。在充滿疑惑與擔憂時,她堅持創作,但當中的情感就此被埋沒。近來,她開始體驗並釋放出畫中感情。她終於領悟到,她是注定當藝術家的。 「釋放」中的畫作是她感到迷失、被困和被遺棄時創作的。同時,更有反映了她的喜悅、感悟和成就的藝術品。來跟她踏上完全誠實和充滿動力的情感發洩之旅。這些作品訴說著藝術家的靈魂。同時,也讓你這個觀眾可趁機釋放自己情感。

“Exhibition Release” is Vera Chiu’s first solo exhibition after the ‘new normal’ lifestyle. As the world is experiencing uncertainty, Vera had gone through her own spiritual awakening that placed her into a new world of wonders and challenges. Her abstracted creations reflected the reactions to this evolution. The exhibition folds out in many layers. No matter how much praise she had previously received for her talent, Vera persistently falls into disbelief. She continued to create through periods of doubts and worries, but emotions expressed are being buried and ignored. Recently, she started acknowledging and releasing the true feelings within her art. She finally sees that she is destined to be an artist. Exhibition Release consists of artworks made whilst the artist felt lost, trapped and abandoned. Simultaneously, there are pieces reflecting her joy, realisation and triumph. Embark on a journey of emotional outlet expressed with complete honesty and dynamic strength. These are artworks speaking the artist’s soul. In the meantime, it is also a chance for the viewer, you, to liberate your own emotions.

關於藝術家 / About the Artist :

Vera Chiu 在寧靜小島居住的藝術家, 從事設計師及教育工作多年。她畢業於香港理工大學的Visual Communication學士學位及香港中文大學的Visual Cultural Studies碩士學位。 這2年疫情把全球陷於停頓時,Vera亦繼續把創作於網上發佈,把關於她日常生活及藝術過程的寫作分享給大眾。透過不段探索新技巧與物料,她發覺抽象藝術中的可能性與動力最能把自己的概念及情緒好好表達。通過顏色和紋理,她的作品既是畫,亦是雕塑,引誘著觀眾成為體驗的一部分。身為藝術家,她不只獨自進行創作,還創立了正念藝術工作坊及帶領藝術導賞團,讓更多人能認識藝術。透過她的作品、寫作及自身經歷的分享,希望更多人明白「 愛自己」的重要性。

Vera is an artist and educator who resides on a tranquil island in Hong Kong. She holds a Bachelor’s in Visual Communications and a Master’s in Visual Cultural Studies. During the world pandemic, she continues to create and showcase her work online. She extended her creativity into the field of writing, and started sharing about her current lifestyle and art making process publicly. Through constantly exploring new techniques and materials, she finds it best to express using abstract art forms. The possibilities and dynamics help reflect her concepts and emotions. By using colours and textures, her works are both paintings and sculptures that seduce the viewers to be part of the experience. As an artist, she not only paints, but also recently found her place in creating mindfulness art workshops and hosting art tours. She hopes to share with people the importance of self love through her artwork, creative writing and her seek for a better lifestyle in a bettered world.

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