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Fri, 29 Oct


S309 (Staunton) PMQ


A solo exhibition on painting by Carman Tong

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Time & Location

29 Oct 2021, 12:00 pm – 12 Nov 2021, 7:00 pm

S309 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong

About the event

關於展覽 / About Exhibition :

"I had been right, I was still right, I was always right. I had lived my life one way and I could just as well have lived it another. I had done this and I hadn't done that. I hadn't done this thing but I had done another. And so?” ― Albert Camus, The Stranger

語言學上,反義詞意指與某詞存在相反意義的詞語。這兩個詞語猶如鏡面倒影,看似互不相關,但其實緊密相連,欠缺一詞,已不能造就相反意義;正如處身局外的我們,曾幾何時亦屬相識的一份子。 存在主義法國作家阿爾貝·加繆在「陌生人」一書雖並無着墨「陌生人」的前身描述,但以描寫書中主角三個身分—原形、被排除以外、演化成最終冷眼旁觀的轉換引出一個有趣思考性質疑。我們以為站出局外,就可以僥倖用另一個軀殼身份活着。現實是,我們躲不了,因為我們正正存在於人類這物種的世界。

From linguistics perspective, antonym refers to words that have opposite meaning to another word. These two words are like mirror reflections, seemingly unrelated to each other, but in fact, they are closely connected. Absence of a word can no longer create the opposite meaning; just as we might now be "outside", but we were also once part of the "inside". Existentialist French writer Albert Camus did not focus on describing the feature of "outsider" in the book "The Stranger", he brings out an Interesting question by depicting 3 mental stages of the main character, Meursault instead, which are the beginning stage, the stage when Meursault being excluded by society, and from that Meursault is turned into an indifferent outsider at the final stage. Sometimes, we think we can get away from the restriction of life by pulling ourselves out and standing "outside". But the reality is we get no place to hide because we are living right in the world of the human species.

關於藝術家 / About the Artist :


Carman Tong 是⼀位土生長的香港藝術家, 於修畢⻄⽅藝術後,正式投入個⼈創作, 作品多以油畫為主。 其創作題材多採⽤不同層⾯探討⼈性,並擅長以記實⼿法與氣氛處理展現於畫作上,流露出對世界、⼈性的觀點及感受。 作品曾分別入圍多個國際⼤型比賽, 包括 : 14th International Virtual Art Renewal Center Salon Competition (2019)Jackson’s Painting Prize 2018 及 2019 。

“Some say that the road to creative work is a lonely one. If your work is boring and bland, you will find inspirations by going into the crowd to rediscover these beings.”

Carman Tong is a Hong Kong artist. She mainly studies Western Art, after graduated she devotes herself to her creative work. Her artworks focus on oil painting. She work is keen on exploring human inner nature from various levels. She is adept at expressing her points of view and feelings about the world and human nature through realism and aura treatment on canvas. Her paintings were shortlisted in a number of major international competitions.

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