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《「美」的回應》Better Me
《「美」的回應》Better Me

Fri, 11 Feb


S407 (Staunton) PMQ

《「美」的回應》Better Me

A solo exhibition on painting and collage by Ling Ng Ling Ng 個人藝術展

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Time & Location

11 Feb 2022, 12:00 pm – 28 Feb 2022, 7:00 pm

S407 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong

About the event

關於展覽 / About Exhibition :













領悟 -以自己對「美」的體會來回應世界





“Pretty and meaningful

Plan to define how beauty can be presented before starting a task

Beautv is felt once the sense are reactivated”

Phase 1:

Appreciation - To sketch the poses of models

Phase 2:

Study - To impersonate the model's pose and sketch myself into the drawing

Phase 3:

Experience - To appreciate and sketch my body in different perspectives

Phase 4:

Realisation - To replv to the world with mv experience of 'beauty'

It pass through 4 different phase Appreciation, Study, Experience, Realisation be aware of others, then try to understand them wholeheartedly. As I review my state, thoughts and preferences, I use my sense of beauty as a way to reply to the world.

As luck would have it, I was met by an artist teacher. His colour use is daring and vibrant, his skill is magnificent, his line work is detailed and his image creations are energetic. For this reason, I took a few pastel art classes with the teacher. I learnt the teacher's use of colours and ways of creating brushstrokes, whilst he shared his creating process with me.

Through the learning process, I found my own sense of colour. I reviewed my personality traits, energy and preferences, merged the teachings from my past til present, and came to conclusion with my own definition of beauty. The reflection of beauty within my new artworks: Bold and groundbreaking colour use and more distinctive themes that expresses my own thoughts.


Not only can art be learnt using this technique, so can life's lessons. For example, I hope to better my time management, I will ask for advice from capable friends or read books that discuss the topic. I will them try out their suggestions, and adjust those practices according to my own life situation. It will then become a habit and a wisdom of mine. This is also a reflection of beauty.

關於藝術家 / About the Artist :

"Art is not only a cure, it also turns life’s uncertainties into astonishments. "

"一雙與別不同的眼睛讓她看到不一樣的世界。別人眼中的缺憾卻成為她的過人之處 藝術不止帶給她一份醫治的能力,亦把生命的問號轉化成感歎號"

Ling Ng 是香港本地藝術家, 畢業於設計學院, 現修讀表達藝術治療課程。由2016年至今, 她於不同咖啡館及大型展覽館舉辦多達十場的個人畫展及聯展, 並獲邀參予不同商業壁畫活動及到各中學及大學進行藝術講學。 Ling 自小喜歡繪畫及素描。她兒時曾接受內斜視手術, 然而手術未能完全改善視力問題, 並影響她判別距離的能力及繪畫的能力。 後來, 老師教授她以「一筆畫」 的方法作練習, 以致她對美學有所改觀。她學習繪出「神似而非形似」 的圖畫, 使她慢慢學會欣賞自己的作品。

Hong Kong artist Ling Ng graduated in a design school, and am now studying Expressive Arts Therapy. Since 2016, she had held ten different exhibitions in coffee shops and exhibition centres. She was also invited to create commercial murals and to speak about art at secondary schools and universities. Ling enjoys drawing and sketching. As a child, she have had strabismus surgery, but her eye sight had not recovered fully. It affects her capacity to define distance and also her drawing abilities. Not long after, her teacher initiated her to practice with the continuous line drawing technique, which helped her define aesthetics in a new light. She learnt to focus on the ‘spirit’ of an object rather than just the appearance. This is when she became more appreciative of her own art. A pair of distinctive eyes allowed her to see the world exceptionally. In other people’s view, her lack of eye sight is a disability, but for Ling, it is her exceptional strength.

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