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《給我治癒的力量》The Given Healing Energy
《給我治癒的力量》The Given Healing Energy

Sat, 04 Sept


S309 (Staunton) PMQ

《給我治癒的力量》The Given Healing Energy

A solo exhibition on painting by Heinga Fan 范睎雅個人藝術展覽

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Time & Location

04 Sept 2021, 12:00 pm – 16 Sept 2021, 7:00 pm

S309 (Staunton) PMQ, PMQ - Staunton, Central, Hong Kong

About the event

關於展覽 / About Exhibition :

第一部分: 我對佛性的領悟

佛性意識展現出宇宙的虚空。宇宙是意識(思想)的創造及減滅, 而意識的增減引導我們自身的業力。一切都是虚空 -- 我們不能永恆地捉緊任何東西。當生命完結時更不能帶走任何東西, 而唯有業隨身, 直至當我們明白業力本身也是虚空的時候, 便得到解脱。如果我們放下對事情的執著, 而專注從生活的體驗, 生命的意義和自醒, 也許我們會領悟到每一個人就是宇宙。

第二部分: 我心中的天堂


Part 1: My Comprehension Of Buddhism

Energy of buddhic consciousness to represent the emptiness of the Universe. The Universe is all about the creation, or destruction of consciousness (thoughts), leading us to experience the increase, or diminishment of karma. All is empty because we can never hold tight to anything forever and we cannot take anything with us when life ends, only karma will belong to us until we comprehend such karma is also empty, and we can then let go of attachment. If we focus on experiencing what life means to us in every single aspect and let go of controlling the happenings, we will comprehend that each of us is the Universe itself one day. It's all about the force we put into our lives, nothing logical, nothing emotional.

Part 2: My Own Heaven

“Appearance” - what is demonstrated in the world, is formed by the mental / the inner conditions of a sentient being. In other words, the mind creates heaven itself. Heaven is a fantasy for a lot of people, and what heaven looks like is probably based on our on-going experiences, feelings, or perhaps our comprehension of life. Heaven, for most of us, is a very beautiful place, full of happiness and joy without any suffering at all. A place that united with God, with no separation anymore…or a place to escape from reality?

關於藝術家 / About the Artist :

睎雅是一位本地畫家, 她主要透過連接宇宙中不同的力量, 再透過繪畫去表達出各種能量和欣賞者產生振動, 以達至協助療癒或領悟的一種形式。 藝術對她來說是一種連接神聖的媒介, 是一種上天送給大家的禮物。而繪畫的過程是一個跟自己親密的機會, 並可以透過過程去了解, 認識及接納自己。她感到很榮幸可以創作出不同畫作讓欣賞者有所共鳴, 甚或透過畫作處理到心靈上的缺失。 睎雅主要用塑膠彩以質感, 抽象的方式去表達故事。

Heinga is a based Hong Kong. She sees herself as a blessed artist who does channelled paintings, meaning that her art is to deliver loving energies that come from different dimensions to awake someone and to heal someone's heart. Art, to her, is a way to connect with the divine, is a form of gift. The process of painting is a way to get intimate with herself, to understand her strengths and weaknesses, and get to know what she truly is. Serving the world with these gifts is a great honor to her. She hopes that her paintings will resonate with people and perhaps help them overcome or breakthrough their live issues at some point. Heinga's paintings are mainly created using acrylics, she likes expressing the messages with the combination of texture and abstraction.

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