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《浮城》A Moment of Story
《浮城》A Moment of Story

Thu, 12 May


S407 (Staunton) PMQ

《浮城》A Moment of Story

A solo exhibition on photography by Scofield Chan. Scofield Chan 個人攝影展覽

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Time & Location

12 May 2022, 12:00 pm – 31 May 2022, 7:00 pm

S407 (Staunton) PMQ, S407, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central, Hong Kong

About the event

關於展覽 / About Exhibition :


在這裡出世,在這裡成長,名副其實的落地生根。經歷多了, 城市的人與事,在眼簾下好像漸漸虛幻起來,一些自以為牢不可破的東西,都慢慢褪色,疑幻似真,自以為捉得住的東西,轉眼又消逝無踪⋯⋯

「浮城」是2017至今陳浩然以街拍為主的攝影作品,自畢業後經歷社會變化,工作浮沉,工餘時從袋裡提起相機,汗流浹背,好趁天黑前拍下城市浮沉的證據。 在浮城裡,很多人拼搏求生,為生計放棄夢想,有人卻因為追夢而沉淪在市井街頭,浮浮沉沉像活在大海,肉身卻又被困於石屎叢林之中。剎那間拍下的畫面,會否讓你想過自己為何仍活著,你的初衷是什麼?

 ‘As a citizen in a city of dream and reality, how should we live?’ 

XiXi, a famous writer in Hong Kong, once asked a though-provoking question in her book titled ‘Marvels of a Floating City’,

Chan was not only born and brought up in Hong Kong, now he also enjoys married life and has a baby born here. With the passage of time, things which were once unbreakable have changed, faded or disappeared…

‘A moment of story’ has been the theme of Chan’s collections since 2017. Experiencing ups and downs in life and society, he soaks with sweat to discover, witness and capture the moment of the city with his camera at leisure before the sun sets. To survive, someone sacrifices his or her dreams and passion; to follow one’s heart, somebody struggles to make ends meet. Life is not only like floating on the sea, but also being trapped in concrete jungle. With photos offering a few glimpses of Hong Kong’s unique architecture and ways of life, how will you redefine your meaning, vision and mission in life?

關於藝術家 / About the Artist :

Scofield 街頭攝影人,喜愛下班後利用鏡頭呈現自己對城市的一份疲憊感。中學畢業後不甘沉悶,投身社會工作數年,曾任職不同市井工作,經常坐井觀天,後來重返象牙塔,以一級榮譽畢業於浸會大學中文系。畢業後繼續流浪街頭,利用相機代替文字創作,曾獲2019國家地理會德豐香港攝影大賽黑白組第一名。 現就讀中文大學藝術系藝術文學碩士課程。Scofield運用街攝抓拍(Snapshot)的方式拍攝,如實地呈現城市一角的影像,透過照片書寫這個城市的風物誌。部分照片是採用新風格,以重曝及反光面的角度拍攝,並沒有透過剪裁PS的方式呈現,只是單純將兩張照片重疊,以呈現如實且地疑幻似真的影像,同時再現出在城市中浮浮沉沉的感覺。

Chan Ho Yin, also known as Scofield Chan, a street photographer, loves to capture different dimensions of the city through his lens.

Unwilling to drift with the tide after graduating from secondary school, Chan immersed himself in different jobs and contemplation for a few years. Then he entered Hong Kong Baptist University and graduated with a First-Class Honours Bachelor degree in Chinese Language and Literature. Later, he lived a vagabond life, expressing himself in photography instead of words. He also won the first place in photo competition with black and white photo in Hong Kong Photo Contest organized by National Geographic Magazine and presented by Wheelock Properties. Now he is studying a Master of Arts in Fine Arts (M.A.) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his photo exhibitions can be found on different platforms.

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