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Martin & CoCo

"forget anxieties in reality and recall the precious moments in life"

CM is a combination of two local emerging artists, Coco and Martin. They present their unique vision of nature by a collaboration of contemporary art and digital art. Each artwork tells the story of various flora and fauna, shaping a comprehensive worldview of “botanical garden in four seasons”. They participated in the “GAC Wan Chai Pop Up Exhibition” in 2021. Studied Scenic Art at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art, Martin has participated in various theatre productions. In 2018, he worked in Kingyoyougajyou and learnt from with Japanese artist Mr. Fukahori Riusuke. His artwork Firework was exhibited in the “Applied Design Exhibition 2018 at HKAPA” in the same year. In 2022, he won the Gold Award of Superior Culture Black & White Painting Competition 2022. Coco graduated from the Department of Creative Arts at the Open University of Hong Kong. She has involved in various computer graphics and multimedia production. In 2020, She participated in producing short animation Wish which showed in the “HKMU Creative Arts Graduation Show 2020” and animation screening organized by K11 Uᵗʰ KLUB in 2021.

CoCo & Martin 是由兩位本地新進藝術家蔡靈桓及葉祉添組成,他們以超現實的動植物日常作主題,透過傳統繪畫與新興數碼藝術,構建出獨特的世界觀——「動植物園的四季」。見微知著,以小見大,CM的作品展現不同動植物的故事,帶出日常的生活道理。CM 曾於 2021 年「GAC 灣仔 Pop-up 藝術展覽」展出雞蛋花系列作品。 修畢於香港演藝學院繪景學系,葉祉添深受舞台及繪景藝術影響,創作以塑膠彩為主。2018 年,他前往日本橫濱並跟隨藝術家深掘隆介學習,同年作品〈Firework〉於「山海在城:Applied Design Exhibition 2018」展出。2022年,葉祉添獲黑白繪畫大賽公開組金獎。 蔡靈桓畢業於香港都會大學創意藝術學系,擅長於數位繪圖及多媒體藝術創作。2020年,她參與製作的動畫作品〈說謊和蛋糕〉,於同年的「香港公開大學創意藝術畢業展 2020」及次年的 K11 Uᵗʰ KLUB 一月放映會中播出。

Artwork by

Martin & CoCo

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