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Heinga Fan

"When I communicate with my guidance, the process of painting, the painting itself and myself integrate into wholeness, which forms a creation and part of the energy of the Universe.”

Heinga is a self-taught painter who is currently based in Hong Kong. Her paintings are channelled from different dimensions with loving energies, to awaken someone and perhaps to provide some spaces for people to relax and to feel the tranquillity in her creations. Within her creativity she sees no limitless and no boundary, as the messages received and the level of self-comprehension keep changing, and change is the rule of the Universe, until everything returns back to God.

Heinga’s paintings are mainly created using acrylics, she likes expressing the messages with the combination of texture and abstraction / floral abstract.

睎雅是一位本地畫家。她以畫作表達宇宙訊息,希望在創作中為大家提供放鬆的空間和片刻的寧靜, 甚至產生喚醒心靈的效果。 在她的創作中並沒有任何限制或邊界,因為她深信變化從來就是宇宙的規則, 而接收到的訊息和自身領悟只會不斷改變和提升,直到一切回歸於心中的上帝。

睎雅主要使用塑膠彩創作,她喜歡用質感和抽象方式, 或抽象花卉表達訊息。

Exhibition Participated

New Art Vibes 2.0” (June 2022) at Exteryo Srl in Villasanta, Monza, Italy, group exhibition

“New Art Vibes” (May 2022) at Medina Art Gallery, Rome, Italy, group exhibition

“Movimento Dei Rampanti” (April 2022) at Castello Brown, Portofino, Italy, group exhibition (Digital)

Art anthology project (Oct 2021) with Guto Ajayu Center, Madrid, Spain

“The Given Healing Energy” (2021) at Ubudeco gallery, solo exhibition

“Paraíso” (2021) at M.A.D.S. Milano, group exhibition (Digital)

“GAIA – The Origin” (2021) at M.A.D.S. Milano, group exhibition (Digital)

“Joy of living” (2021) at Krealyx online gallery, group exhibition (Digital)

Artwork by

Heinga Fan

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