Rachel Wong
Rachel Wong

藝術並非高不可攀,日常生活隨心也能頓悟出美。 Rachel的作品以生活日常和人生期盼為題材,融合中國傳統書法水墨、⻄洋及日式畫風,以嶄新的風格創作,務求突破框架,打破大眾對書法藝術的固有觀感,在日常中重新發掘傳統的美。
Rachel Wong has always been immersed in art. She was introduced to western art by her first art teacher Mr Fung Wing Chiu. Later she pursued Chinese calligraphy by following Mr Mok Tak Kwong and Chinese painting with Ms Tian Qing Ping. Her life has been enriched by her addiction to art. She decided to make her passion for art into a career by completing her tattoo apprenticeship in 2019. She is now a tattoo artist specialising in modern calligraphy art.
She has never been happier.
Chinese calligraphy is no longer just black and white. It’s no longer just about history and literature. Instead, the ideas of modern life and our advanced 21st century lifestyle are explored by crossing traditional calligraphy art over western and Japanese style with clashes and excitement in this exhibition. It may inspire you to re-examine what you think you know about traditional calligraphy.
Life is beautiful and art is whatever you make of it. Let’s have some fun.

隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

《玩》 Carpe Diem
隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

《隨⼼》Chill 1
行書 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

《悠然》Chill 2
行書 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

《自在》Chill 3
行書 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

《我》Love yourself
行書 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

《漫漫》Stroll with elegance
隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

《心》Belief No. 3
隸書 40 x 78 cm, Ink on paper

《飛》Let’s take wing
行書 44 x 68 cm, Ink on paper

《舞》Let’s dance
行書 44 x 68 cm, Ink on paper

《飛》Let’s take wing
隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

《舞》Let’s dance
隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper

隸行 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper
Diamond Sutra

隸行 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

隸行 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

隸行 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

隸行 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

隸行 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

隸行 45 x 45 cm, Ink on paper

《柔剛》 Yin and Yang
隸行 40 x 80 cm, Ink on paper

《虛實》 Fantasy vs Reality
隸書 40 x 60 cm, Ink on paper