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Mana Osawa

Mana Osawa

The Art I create is like the sun, envelop the world. Providing light and warm to everyone.

The Art I create is like the sun, envelop the world. Providing light and warm to everyone.

Mana Osawa - ArtTaipei2023

大沢愛 — 在日本出生及生活,由高中開始自學畫畫並堅持創作,她以亮眼的紅色作為一系列作品的主色調,創作出富有魅力的畫作。儘管她年紀較輕,其作品已經在不同地方展出,亦有電視媒體的曝光。她的藝術作品涉及廣泛的領域,除了繪畫之外,她還創作電子藝術作品、創造自己的 NFT,還出版了一本攝影集。

Born in Japanese, Mana Osawa started painting and learnt by herself since high school. Her artworks are creative and captivate with a signature red-based worldview. Despite her young ages, Osawa had many media exposure, e.g. BSfuji “Break Zenya”, 2020 on TV and held various solo and group exhibitions. Osawa’s artwork covers a wide range of fields. Apart from painting, she creates digital artworks, mints her own NFTs and also published a photo book featuring her photography.

Brilliantly Flowers RED, 2022

91x60.6 cm, Acrylic and Mixed Media on canvas

Anemone Specialite Limited Reddot, 2022

72.7x60.6 cm, Acrylic and Mixed Media on canvas

Anemone Polka DOT, 2022

72.7x60.6 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Three Anemone metallic Line Third, 2022

45.5x33.3 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Three Anemone with Flower vase Modern, 2021

45.5x33.3 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Anemone Vase of Grapes, 2023

45.5x33.3 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

BOLD FLOWERS Beauty, 2023

53x41 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

King Protea GRASS, 2022

33.3x33.3 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Three Anemone with Flower vase Red and White, 2021

45.5x33.3 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

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